Copyright © ThreeCrownsFarm  All Rights Reserved


Private Lessons are $60 each (A 10 lesson package is discounted to $550)

Single payments and packages may also be made by cash or check at the barn. 

​Note: Do not purchase a lesson without calling first to check availability


1.) Click the Drop Down Menu below and choose your package.

2.) Text 806-1000 with the name of the rider

Lessons are by appointment only. Please call 806-1000 to set up a lesson time prior to purchasing a package. Do not purchase a lesson without calling for availability first.

Note to Current Students purchasing a lesson package

Please remember to shoot us an email or text to let us know how many lessons are still left on your last package and/or the date that this particular lesson package you are purchasing will start. We need this information to determine your start date of the package you are purchasing today.


There is a 4% fee for usingCredit Card or PayPal

Purchase Lessons
Enter Name of Lesson Student